그리스 기본 정보
Capital of Greece (수도): Athens
Official language: Greek
The currency : Euro(€)
Climate: Mediterranean
Population: 11.306.183 (2010 estimate)
The country is a Presidential Parliamentary Democracy
President of the Republic: Mr. Karolos Papoulias
Prime Minister: Mr. Antonis Samaras
Calling code(국가번호): The international calling code of Greece is +30
Exchange Currencies 및 환전
유로피안( European Union) 멤버라서 유로를 사용하고 있습니다.
그리스 은행들은 월~목요일엔 8시에서 2시 30분까지만 운영하구요 금요일에는 8시에서 1시 30분까지만 운영합니다. (엄청 빨리 문닫아요)
아테네 신타그마 광장쪽에 유로로 바꿀수있는환전소들이 있습니다. 거기서 환전하는게 은행보다 더 싸요. 왜냐면 수수료를 적게 붙이거든요.
National celebrations and Holidays
-New Years Day: 1st of January
-Epiphany: 6th of January. Sea water is consecrated in the area of Piraeus. The priests throw the Cross into the sea and young men dive to catch it.
-Ash Monday: 41 days before Easter. It is the day people begin the Lent. On Ash Monday Greeks fly kites, eat meatless food and celebrate Koulouma. Athenians gather on Philopappou Hill.
-Independence Day & Celebration of Evaggelismos: 25th of March. Military parade.
-Easter: From Holy Friday until Easter Monday. On Holy Friday evening every church decorates the Epitaph (Bier of Christ). During the procession of the Epitaph the streets of every city or village in the country are full of people. It is a religious procession where everybody holds lit candles in their hands and sings hymns.
-Night of the Resurrection: It is celebrated in midnight before Easter Sunday with fireworks and candles.
-Easter Sunday: On Easter Sunday Greeks eat barbecue lamb. The celebrations include singing and dancing all day long.
-Labor Day: 1st of May. Flower feasts all around Athens.
-Pentecost: It is celebrated 50 days after Easter.
-Assumption of the Virgin Mary: 15th of August.
-28th of October: National Celebration. Military parade.
-Christmas: 25th-26th of December.
페트로스랑 장난치다가.. 너 이러면 경찰에 신고할꺼야! 라고 말했더니..
페트로스왈.. 너 여기 경찰서 전화번호 알어? 뜨아~~~
현명한 여러분들을 위해 emergency call 번호 알려드릴게요.. 음허허
In case of emergency call:
-Ambulance Service: 166
-SOS Doctors : 1016
-Duty Hospitals and Clinics: 1434
-Pharmacies: 1434
-Open Line for alcohol drug Addiction: 210 36 17 089
-Poisoning First Aid: 210 77 93 777
-Police: 100
-Tourist Police: 1571
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