유럽여행할때 가장 기본적으로 준비사항이: 여권, 숙소 그리고 비행기티켓~
민박집이나 호스텔이 아닌 대학교 기숙사에서도 지낼수 있다는 정보를 얻어 제 블로그에도 남깁니다!! 대박대박!!
링크: http://www.universityrooms.com/
Accommodation in University Colleges and Student Residences
Short-stay bed and breakfast or self-catering accommodation
- Looking for accommodation from one night to three months?
- Looking for a centrally-located room which is affordable, and unique?
- Then UniversityRooms is for you.
Long-stay student accommodation
- Are you a student looking to stay in a hall of residence from three months to a year?
- We have rooms that are available to students on a long-term basis during term/semester time.
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보시는것처럼 유럽 뿐만 아니라 미국, 호주,캐나다 등에서도 대학기숙사 시설을 사용할 수 있는곳들이 있어 자유여행이나 배낭여행하는 분들에겐 최고인것같아요.
여름방학이 되면 기숙사가 텅텅비는데요 이 기간에 여행객들에게 기숙사 시설을 사용할 수 있게 개방합니다.
1. 언제 가능한지? 여름방학기간
5월말~6월 초에 오픈해 8월말에서 9월초까지 가능합니다.
또한 학교 방학이나 휴일에도 개방하는 경우도 있어요. 예를 들어 크리스마스 시즌이라던지, spring break이라던지..
2. 얼마정도 예상?? (환율 및 학교마다 가격대가 조금씩 달라요 사이트가서 꼭 확인해보시는게 좋습니다)
3만원~5만원정도 (독방 + 화장실 쉐어)
6만원~15만원(더블 혹은 트윈)
가격도 5만원에서 15만원 선이기 때문에 대학교정에서 안전하게 쉴수 있어 좋은것같습니다.
주의사항은 학생들 방학기간(6월,7월,8월,9월)에 기숙사를 여는곳이 많기 때문에 유럽여행 계획짜시는분들은 날짜를 잘 확인하는게 좋을것 같구요,또한 2달전에 예약하는게 가장 SAFE 하지 않을까 싶습니다.
김수로씨가 영국여행갔을때 체험했던 고등학교 기숙사 이야기도 남겨용!!
[영국 전체]
_ University Rooms (www.universityrooms.co.uk) - Broker for handling short-term stays at many colleges and universities around the world, mostly in the U.K. (3,000 accommodations in 26 cities) and Europe (several each in Ireland, Spain, Italy, a bit in France, Switzerland, Belgium), with a few in North America (U.S., Canada), and coming soon: Germany, Austria, Australia, and South Africa. Nice touch: The site was started in 2007 by an Oxford grad who dreamed it up while still in school.
_Budgetstayuk (www.budgetstayuk.com) - A consortium of 70 academic institutions across the U.K.—23 locations in London alone, not to mention five in Edinburgh and another five in Durham (including the 11th century Durham Castle), and still more in Canterbury, Oxford, Cardiff, York, Dulin, Plymouth, Birmingham, Leeds, Swansea, Exeter, Stoke-on-Trent, Coventry, Leicester, Loughborough, Nottingham, Norwich, and Wolverhampton. (The site is an offshoot of VenueMasters, a free venue–finding service for meetings and groups.)
_Visit London (www.visitlondon.com) - You can search the accommodations database for "Campus" for about two dozen results.
[런던지역 대학 기숙사 예약 ]
_London School of Economics (www.lse.ac.uk/vacations) - Holborn, Bloomsbury, Bankside, Butler's Wharf, Clerkenwell.
Rates: Single from £27; Twins from £44; Triple from £69.
_University College London (www.ucl.ac.uk/residences) - Bloomsbury (just north of the British Museum).
Rates: Single from £31; double from £43.50.University of
_London (www.londonmet.ac.uk/accommodation/summer-accommodation) - Bloomsbury, St. Pancras, Paddington, Marylebone.
Rates: Single from £30; twin/double from £51.
_King’s College (www.kcl.ac.uk/kcvb) - The Strand (Covent Garden), Waterloo, Denmark Hill, North London/Hampstead Heath.
Rates: Single from £28; twin from £58.
_University of Westminster (www.londonmet.ac.uk/accommodation/summer-accommodation) - Near Victoria.
Rates: Single from £34; twin from £50.40.
_International Students House (www.ish.org.uk) - North Marylebone/Regent's Park.
Rates: Single from £39; twin from £62; triple from £81.
_Queen Mary and Westfield College (www.admin.qmw.ac.uk/ccrs/conference) - East End.
Rates: Single from £41; twin from £73.
_London Metropolitan University (www.londonmet.ac.uk/accommodation/summer-accommodation) - South Hackney, Cambridge Heath, Enfield, Wood Green.
Rates: Single from £20.
[ 아일랜드 대학 기숙사]
Dublin: Trinity College (www.tcd.ie/accommodation/Visitors) - Downtown.
Rates: Single from €60.50; Double from €81.
Dublin: Dublin Univeristy (dublin.university-rooms.com) - In Glasnevin (north of city center)
Rates: Double from €36.
Cork: University College Cork (en.cork.university-rooms.com)
Rates: Single from €32; 3-bedroom apartments from €90; 4-br from €140.
[스페인 대학 기숙사]
Madrid: [Four locations] (en.madrid.university-rooms.com)
Rates: Single from €16
Barcelona: [Seven locations] (www.en.barcelona.university-rooms.com).
Rates: Single from €35; apartment (3-4 people) €225.
Seville: Colegio Mayor Santa María del Buen Aire (three-night minimum) and Residencia Universitaria Baños de la Reina (en.seville.university-rooms.com)
Rates: Single from €22; double from €37.50.
Valencia: Colegio Mayor Galileo Galilei (en.valencia.university-rooms.com)
Rates: Single from €29; twin from €39.
Malaga: Residencia Universitaria Jacinto Benavente (en.malaga.university-rooms.com)
Rates: Single from €17; twin from €34; triple from €51.
Alicante: Residencia Villa Universitaria (en.alicante.university-rooms.com)
Rates: Single from €39.50; doubles from €45.50 .
Santiago de Campostela: Colegio Mayor Arosa (en.santiagodecompostela.university-rooms.com)
Rates: Single from €40; triple from €90
Alcalá de Henares: Residencia Universitaria Cardenal Cisneros (en.alcaladehenares.university-rooms.com)
Rates: Single from €31; twin from €59.
Zaragoza: Residencia Universitaria Goya (en.zaragoza.university-rooms.com) - Two-night minimum.
Rates: Single from €27.50; twin from €45.
[이태리 대학 기숙사들]
Milan: Residenza Universitaria Bassini (en.milan.university-rooms.com) - Two-night minimum.
Rates: Single from €33.
Lake Como: Residenza Universitaria Santa Teresa (en.como.university-rooms.com) - Two-night minimum.
Rates: Doubles from €56.
Urbino: Collegio del Colle, Collegio Aquilone, and Collegio Serpentine (en.urbino.university-rooms.com)
Rates: Singles from €16.
Sadly, there's no official Website, buy you can get a list of student housing in dozens of Italian cities—including biggies like Rome, Florence, Venice, Milan, and Palermo—by sending a letter asking for the "Guide for Foreign Students" to:
The Italian Ministry of Education
Viale Trastevere
00153 Rome, Italy
- See more at: http://www.reidsguides.com/t_h/t_h_university.html#sthash.QIv4pbuj.dpuf
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